What to Know About Working Out After VASER® Liposuction Treatment
When it comes to effectively reducing fat in the most convenient way and with the most efficient recovery and longest-lasting results, few treatments can compare to VASER liposuction. Thanks to its unique approach and cutting-edge technology, VASER liposuction often allows patients to get back to work in as little as 12-24 hours. Still, it is important for patients considering VASER lipo to understand that their body is healing and that some activities will need to be restricted. Here, you’ll find helpful information from Corona, CA board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Samuel Salcedo on what to expect after VASER liposuction, including – more specifically – what adjustments you’ll need to make to your physical activity and exercise routine, why, and for how long.
What is the difference between VASER lipo and regular lipo?
VASER liposuction is often considered a superior alternative to traditional liposuction for a number of reasons, including:
- Shorter recovery period
- Fewer side effects
- Less post-treatment swelling and bruising
- Can be performed using local anesthesia and sedation only (wide awake liposuction)
- Makes fat transfer easier
- Tightens loose skin around treatment area
The primary difference between VASER lipo and traditional liposuction is that VASER liposuction involves the injection of a tumescent solution beneath the skin, followed by the administration of ultrasound energy – both prior to removing the unwanted fat cells. This innovative approach helps to gently break up the fat cells, making them easier to remove and minimizing post-treatment swelling, bruising, recovery time, and other side effects.
How soon can I resume my normal activities after VASER liposuction?
Following your Riverside, CA VASER lipo procedure, you may be able to return to light work and other mild activities in as little as 12-24 hours. This will vary based on the size and number of treatment areas, the amount of fat removed, and other factors. Most patients can return to light desk work within a few days, but working out, heavy lifting, and other strenuous activities should be restricted for longer (as recommended by Dr. Salcedo).
When can I exercise after VASER liposuction?
Light, frequent walks – like around the house or block – are encouraged to help promote healthy blood circulation and prevent blood clots following VASER lipo. However, more strenuous physical activities – including running, weightlifting, and others – may be off limits for up to 4-6 weeks, or until you have been cleared by Dr. Salcedo. Resuming strenuous exercise too soon after VASER liposuction can increase or prolong swelling, delay the healing process, and even compromise your final results.
Additionally, Dr. Salcedo may recommend gradually easing back into your workout routine after VASER liposuction to prevent strains, fatigue, pulled muscles, tissue damage, and other complications after your hiatus from exercising. Generally speaking, patients should start by exercising at about a quarter of their previous exertion level and build up from there.
By following your post-treatment VASER lipo recovery guidelines, you can set yourself up for a comfortable and efficient healing process and optimal, long-lasting results.
Choose VASER liposuction in Beverly Hills, CA for a superior treatment and experience overall
For patients with minimal time available for liposuction recovery, those who want to reduce their post-treatment side effects, or those who are excited by the idea of awake liposuction without anesthesia, VASER lipo is a popular choice. Discover more about the transformative effects of VASER liposuction by calling The Plastics Doc in Corona, CA to schedule your VASER lipo consultation with Riverside, CA board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Samuel Salcedo today!